The Instraction of Supermicro SYS-4028GR-TR--Intro(English Edit)-当前讯息
After the human society attended the second decade of the twenty-first century, not only the people’s living level but the computing industry, has developed into a higher level that has never appeared in the whole history. As we know, datacenters are the brains of the modern Internet mesh system, however, another part of servers is also of importance.
By the legacy servers’ number and quality improves, the AI, a programme depends on tensor flowing(GPU computing), was powered up by more and more youths, included myself as well.
My AI experience started since I became curious about data and server system. I burned thousands of RMB on it in order to do well in the AI industry, which gave me a turbo ability of being an expert in the future. That made me buy a Supermicro GPU computing system called 4028GR-TR.
This type was mentioned by Supermicro.Inc(SMI below) in 2015. It worked such a miracle that it developed the whole industry to an excellent situation. By the way, it was the most powerful system at that time. Installing with eight pieces of Tesla P40 Cards was the most popular mean. To remake the classical scene, I also bought 4*Tesla M40 and 3*Tesla P40 Graphics Cards to be installed on it.
This system supports two Intel Xeon E5V3(or V4) CPUs and max 3TiB memory with DDR4-RDIMM size. This time I installed two E5-2696V3 CPUs and 256GiB memory(8 channels) on it. Each CPU has 18 cores with 36 threads.
CPU Intel Xeon E5-2696V3(*2)
RAM SK-hynix DDR4-2133P 4R*4 LRDIMM 32GB(*8)
GPU Nvidia Tesla M40 24GB(*4)
Nvidia Tesla P40(*3)
PSU Supermicro 1600W Platinum(*4, made by Delta)
GPUB Supermicro X9DRG-O-PCIE
OS Windows Server 2022 Datacenter(Desktop Edition)
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